5 Vitamins for Healthy Skin
Healthy skin comes from the inside out. What you choose to put into your body will reflect itself on your skin. Diets filled with processed foods often leave skin looking and feeling dull, oily, and discoloured. But nourished bodies that are fueled with whole foods containing the recommended amount of vitamins often display a much healthier appearance. What vitamins do you need and what exactly do they do? Here are the basics on vitamins and skin health.

1. Vitamin A
Necessary for the maintenance and repair of vital skin tissue, vitamin A is the key to healthy skin. If you’re deficient in vitamin A, your skin may take on a dry, flaky complexion. Get your daily recommended allowances of vitamin A through foods such as sweet potatoes, carrots, and dark, leafy vegetables. Research by the American Academy of Dermatology has shown that when used on the skin, lotions containing vitamin A can help control acne and reduce lines and wrinkles.

2. Vitamin B Complex
Found in foods like oatmeal, rice, eggs, and bananas, vitamin B complex contains the nutrient, biotin, which forms the basis of nails, skin, and hair cells. Too little vitamin B complex in your diet can cause dermatitis or hair loss. Topical creams and ointments made with B vitamins can instantly hydrate cells and give a healthy glow to skin. Using some creams containing vitamin B has also been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties and to even out skin tone.

3. Vitamin C
Fill up on citrus fruits, leafy greens, bell peppers, and cauliflower, all of which are full of this vital nutrient. Vitamin C has been known to fight colds and when used on the skin, vitamin C can help collagen production. Vitamin C can also help reduce wrinkles, improve skin texture, and reduce photo damage.

4. Vitamin E
Use vitamin E on your skin to help reduce the appearance of scars and rough, dry skin. To keep skin looking supple and soft, try adding more nuts, olives, and spinach to your diet, all of which are high in the vitamin. These foods will not only help your skin stay soft but will help your hair’s luster and strength. For stubborn scars, try rubbing vitamin E oil on the scar to reduce its appearance.

5. Vitamin K
Vitamin K can be best used on the skin to help with dark circles and bruises. Look for lotions and creams that contain this vitamin to help fade discolourations on the skin and help with wrinkle reduction. Though a diet filled with dark, leafy greens will help your vitamin K needs, the best way for your skin to get the most benefit is to use it topically.